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Arnold Peter Weisz-Kubínčan | The Artist’s (Heavy) Luggage

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Exhibition The Artist’s (Heavy) Luggage came into being thanks to an unusual acquisition and the story behind it: a gift of works by Arnold Peter Weisz-Kubínčan. Thanks to the generosity of Ms Katharine Curtis and her family, an important part of the artist's surviving effects was returned to Slovakia from the USA. These works had been saved by Ms Katharine's mother, Zorka Kahan-Ring, who had shared the last period of APWK's life with him in Slovakia before his deportation to a Nazi concentration camp. Paintings, drawings, graphics, sketches, sketch-pads, and cuttings from the contemporary press, together with a fascinating story bring us new knowledge about the extent, nature and context of his work.

This exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue featuring an interview with Katharine Curtis and curatorial texts by Lucia G. Stach and Alexandra Homoľová on the life, work and archeology of the APWK artwork in the collections, their contemporary perception, the European context, art-historical evaluation, and themes addressed at the exhibition. For reading the artist's work, a methodological key is suggested which takes account of how the exhibition's thematic circles intersect and form layers with one another. This was also the nature of APWK's thinking: for him the boundaries of themes and motifs were porous and allowed interpenetration.

Editors: Lucia G. Stach, Alexandra Homoľová

Authors of studies: Katarina Curtis, Lucia G. Stach, Alexandra Homoľová, Alexandra Kusá

Graphics: Jana & Palo Bálik

Number of pages: 71

Format: 25 x 18 cm

Binding: softcover

Language: english

Published by: Slovak National Gallery in Bratislava, 2019

ISBN: 978-80-8059-223-3


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