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SNG Bratislava

Expositions and exhibitions

Art in the Public Space. Fusion of art and architecture  Art in the Public Space. Fusion of art and architecture Vodné kasárne a Premostenie
Permanent exposition

Have you ever wondered if art can be a natural part of a building's interior, and not just a preserve of the perfect world of the exhibition hall? The reconstructed spaces of the Slovak National Gallery, with their clean lines, striking white surfaces, and unique nooks and crannies, are qualities in themselves. It is sufficient to accentuate a perfect wall or white corner with a piece of art, and a whole new experience of the space is born.

The Modern The Modern Vodné kasárne a Premostenie
Permanent exposition

The Modern tells the story of visual art in Slovakia in the first half of the 20th century. Our selection of works for it centred on the most important developments in domestic art between 1890/1900 and 1948. You’ll discover how art was responding to the era’s new civilizational challenges and social transformations, how artists were reacting to the world they lived in, and how all this found its way into their works, and changed the visuality and expression of visual art.

European Art, 16th – 19th Centuries European Art, 16th – 19th Centuries Zvolenský zámok, 1st floor
Permanent exposition

Opened depository of The Collection of old European paintings of SNG was created considering the planed reconstruction of the building of SNG in Bratislava.

To see, to see and to see To see, to see and to see Zvolenský zámok
Permanent exposition

Exposition on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Opening of the Slovak National Gallery at Zvolen Castle.

Gothic Art Gothic Art Zvolenský zámok, Prízemie
Permanent exposition

The exhibition of Gothic art at Zvolen Castle, comprising works of medieval sculpture and painting, is unique in Slovakia in terms of its number of exhibited works and its focus on the specific time period from the 14th to the 16th century. With more than 70 works and paintings, it is a typical study collection.

FULLA A/LIVE! FULLA A/LIVE! Zvolenský zámok
Permanent exposition

Ľudovít Fulla (1902 - 1980) is one of the most important and original Slovak artists of the 20th century. His oeuvre, which he bestowed to the state (1969, 1977), is managed by the Slovak National Gallery – Ľudovít Fulla Gallery in Ružomberok, which opened to the public in July 1969. There, the artist spent the last years of his life, and it was a location of a permanent exhibition of Fulla's most beautiful works.

17th – 19th Century Portrait Art in the Spiš Region 17th – 19th Century Portrait Art in the Spiš Region Kaštieľ Strážky, prízemie
Permanent exposition

This collection of 17th - 19th century portraits in the chateau in Strážky consists mostly of works from the galleries of the chateau's previous owners (the Horváth-Stansith, Szirmay, Mednyánszky and Czóbel families, as well as the Spiš families of Csáky, Esterházy, etc).

Ladislav Mednyánszky and Mansion Strážky Ladislav Mednyánszky and Mansion Strážky Kaštieľ Strážky
Permanent exposition

Ladislav Mednyánszky (1852 - 1919) is one of the prominent representatives of Central European painting of the last third of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. The mansion in Strážky is the only place in Slovakia in which a permanent exposition of his work is presented.

Historical Library Strážky Historical Library Strážky Kaštieľ Strážky
Permanent exposition

A brief historical exposition introduces the history of the mansion and the municipality and the development of the families who owned the mansion. The beginning of the significant Slovak historical library, which is a part of the national cultural heritage, dates back to the last quarter of the 16th century. The library has developed continuously for 400 years and today it has approximately 8,500 books, magazines and maps.

Sculpture in Slovakia in the 20th Century Sculpture in Slovakia in the 20th Century Kaštieľ Strážky
Permanent exposition

The Slovak National Gallery is gradually building up its outdoor exposition of plastic art, in which the works of the most prominent Slovak artists of the second half of the 20th century are represented in the impressive English park, which sprawls across the landscape bordering the Poprad River.


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