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From 4. November 2022
Zvolenský zámok, Zvolen
Curator: Katarína Bajcurová

Ľudovít Fulla (1902 - 1980) is one of the most important and original Slovak artists of the 20th century. His oeuvre, which he bestowed to the state (1969, 1977), is managed by the Slovak National Gallery – Ľudovít Fulla Gallery in Ružomberok, which opened to the public in July 1969. There, the artist spent the last years of his life, and it was a location of a permanent exhibition of Fulla's most beautiful works.

Unfortunately, in February 2022, we had to dismantle the display due to the critical condition of the building, which requires urgent and comprehensive reconstruction. The works were transported to safety, deposited, treated and prepared for further exhibition. Because we want to share their new beauty with you and provide you with a unique experience of encountering his work, we decided to produce an indicative reconstruction of Ľudovít Fulla's studio, a part of his gallery in Ružomberok and a place where he created his final works, at the Zvolen Castle.

Treatment and restoration of works: Miroslav Slúka


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