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± 5 073 artworks
Ján Galanda: Pod starým hradom. 1937 Ján Galanda: Pod starým hradom. 1937
Miloš Dohnány: Fľaša od mlieka (20. storočie, 1. polovica, 1934) Miloš Dohnány: Fľaša od mlieka. 1934)
urn:svk:psi:per:sng:0000001554, Ján Cifra: 1. máj v Petržalke (20. storočie, 2. polovica, 1957) Ján Cifra: 1. máj v Petržalke. 1957
Martin Kollár: Nothing special III. 2001 – 2003 Martin Kollár: Nothing special III. 2001 – 2003
Viliam Malík: Hydrocentrála v Ladcoch. 1940 Viliam Malík: Hydrocentrála v Ladcoch. 1940
Irena Blühová: Pastierik kráv. 1926 Irena Blühová: Pastierik kráv. 1926
Jindřich Štreit: Cyklus Slovensko. 1988 – 2001 Jindřich Štreit: Cyklus Slovensko. 1988 – 2001
Tibor Honty: Z ciest za gotickou plastikou na Slovensku. 1967 Tibor Honty: Z ciest za gotickou plastikou na Slovensku. 1967
François Kollar: Francúzsky robotník. 1931 François Kollar: Francúzsky robotník. 1931
13_Stacho_UP_DK_1204_U1.JPG 13_Stacho_UP_DK_1204_U1.JPG
 Július Koller - Kvetoslava Fulierová (autorka fotografie) Maliarsky náčelník. Zo série U.F.O.-naut J. K. (U.F.O). 1983 Július Koller - Kvetoslava Fulierová (autorka fotografie) Maliarsky náčelník. Zo série U.F.O.-naut J. K. (U.F.O). 1983
11_Martincek_UP_DK_2821U1.JPG 11_Martincek_UP_DK_2821U1.JPG
 Karol Kállay: Londýn. Veterán na vojnovom cintoríne. 1966 Karol Kállay: Londýn. Veterán na vojnovom cintoríne. 1966
Ján Cifra: 1. máj v Petržalke. 1957 Ján Cifra: 1. máj v Petržalke. 1957
Eduard Kozics: Ilka. Po 1873 Eduard Kozics: Ilka. Po 1873

The SNG's Collection of Photomedia was not complete in the traditional sense until very recently. It originated through occasional acquisitions by the Department of Applied Art from 1961. Traditionally, the collection lacked its own curator for a long time. Usually the head of the Department of Applied Art was in charge of its acquisitions.

The situation began to change in the second half of the 1980s. The collection's systematic development began after the first independent curator, Václav Macek (1990) took over. In a relatively short period of time it was significantly enlarged; today it contains approximately 4, 879 photomedia works.

Because of various circumstances, the photography collection is limited to works from the Slovak territory and from Slovak authors living abroad (François Kollar is the most famous example). It also contains photographs of two significant Czech authors, Markéta Luskačová and Jindřich Štreit that originated in Slovakia.

However, thanks to extensive purchases in the late 1980s and 1990s and later acquisitions (predominantly through donations) the collection contains works representing all of the stages of development of this kind of art in Slovakia. The collections of the works of the pioneers of photography from the 19th century (Eduard Kozič, Karol Divald) are valuable and the works of the representatives of the Slovak photographic Modernism (Irena Blühová, Sergej Protopopov, Karol Aufricht, Štefan Tamáš, Miloš Dohnány, Viliam Malík and also Karol Plicka) have raised significant interest in recent decades.

The authors of the golden age of Slovak photography, the 1960s, such as Karol Kállay, Ladislav Bielik, Tibor Honty, Ladislav Borodáč, Anton Štubňa and Pavel Hudec-Ahasver are also significantly represented, particularly Martin Martinček, whose generous donation in 2002 substantially enriched this collection.

In connection with the exhibition entitled Lost Time? in 2007, the collection of photography was significantly enriched by the works of the representatives of the Slovak documentary genre of the 1970s and 1980s (Juraj Bartoš, Stano Pekár Anton Podstraský, Miro Pokorný, Jozef Ondzik and others). The overall picture is also complemented by other important photographers of this period such as Tibor Huszár, Ľubo Stacho and Jozef Sedlák.

Smaller sets of photographs of the protagonists of the Slovak new wave of the 1980s (Tono Stano, Miro Švolík, Peter Župník, Rudo Prekop) can also be found, while the younger authors are, for now, represented only marginally (Robo Kočan, Martin Kollár, Boris Németh, Lucia Nimcová).

The latest significant exhibition which, besides its primary objective to bring new knowledge about the various stages of history of Slovak photography, also allowed the acquisition of valuable artworks for the collection, was the exhibition about the photography of the 1950s, Captivated by Beauty. Originally a modest collection of works from this period by Ladislav Csáder was significantly enhanced other works by Anton Smotlak, Josef Nový and Igor Grossmann.

A special chapter is dedicated to the works of those who used photography or photographic techniques in various ways. Coincidentally, their works are divided between the Collection of Photo Media and the Collection of Other Media. Certain works by Rudolf Fila, Július Koller, Vladimír Kordoš and Dezider Tóth were allocated to the Collection of Photo Media.


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