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111 Works of Art from the Collections

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From time to time, it is fitting for such institutions as national galleries to “audit“ collections, to show the public their very best, and particularly pieces deserving the cachet of timeless quality. The 60th anniversary of the Slovak National Gallery offers a chance to survey once more its collections, this time with the help of middle- and young-generation curators.

The choice of 111 works of art is both a play on the promotional “top ten“ technique and a real effort at considering the proportions of collections. Their significance evolves with our understanding of old and contemporary art. We believe that while reading the profiles to 111 works of art from the collections of the Slovak National Gallery, this book will spark deeper interest in various aspects of fine arts from 13th century up to our contemporaries.

Editors: Katarína Müllerová, Dušan Buran
Preface: Katarína Bajcurová
Texts: Katarína Bajcurová, Katarína Beňová, Dušan Buran, Vladimíra Büngerová,  Martin Čičo, Katarína Čierna, Alexandra Homoľová,  Aurel Hrabušický, Katarína Chmelinová, Beata Jablonská, Alexandra Kusá, Zuzana Ludiková, Monika Mitášová, Katarína Müllerová, Dagmar Poláčková, Ivan Rusina, Zuzana Šidlíková
Graphic Design: Jana Sapáková
Number of Pages: 282
Binding: V8 hardcover
Dimensions: 240 × 286 mm
Language: slovak, english
ISBN: 978-80-8085-601-4
Publication date: 2008; published by SNG and publisher Slovart


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